As my struggle with eating went on God started to soften my heart. His conviction of my sin became louder and clearer. I started to see the truth and the true fifth of the lies I was believing.
As I continued bundling things up inside, I started to see it destroying me more, making me cold and weak. My mind felt dark and depressed. I had no joy. No thanksgiving. - Oh, I had a smile on my face and seemed cheery as I talked with my friends, but leaving I always felt hopeless and enslaved. I remember vividly a prayer I prayed to the Lord one day… “Lord, I feel so alone. I know I’m trapped in this cycle of not eating enough because I’m completely terrified of gaining weight. I want to fit in. I want to look like the beautiful girls. I want a guy to notice me. I feel as though I’m in a dark room, with no light, and I can’t get out. No one understands. There’s no way I can tell anyone that could really help me either—I’m ashamed. Embarrassed. I mean, I’m a youth leader. I’m supposed to have it all together. I’m supposed to be leading other girls and helping them through their struggles. Jesus, Help me.”
Finally, the Lord intervened. Yes, the Lord had been there the entire time. His heart hurt every time I idolized eating. Every time I didn’t eat something out of fear. Every time I believed a lie in my head about how skinny is beautiful. Every time I ran to controlling my food, instead of trusting Him. He had been there—with arms open wide, wanting me to come to Him.
My journey with eating was long. But the moment I surrendered and -brought it to the light- God freed me. I am so thankful for our Lord Jesus who loved me so much that He pursued me in my mess and came to my rescue. He didn’t let me stay in the filth of my sin. Yes, it was humbling. Yes, it was hard, and yes sometimes I fell right back into it. But slowly, He loosened my grip and freed me from my desire to control. He set me free. Our God is a God who frees us. By His power, we can truly live. I have to be honest with you—I still have to fight. I still have to choose to believe in His truth about my body image. Some days more than others. But I’m not a slave anymore. I know the truth, and when I am tempted—I know where to run. I have treasured His word in my heart and know how to overcome the lies that Satan and the world and my own flesh throw at me. And when I do fall, or start to realize a lie I am believing, I quickly run to Him, and ask His help, remember the Spirit’s power in me. As one who has walked this rugged path, I can assure you, there is freedom found in the truth.
God started to bring me right to His word and started to reveal all His precious promises to me. I was soon in such awe by His compassion and love toward His children. I think its absolutely crazy just how much God has to say about us in His word. He speaks of us being a special treasure to Him, chosen, bought with a great price, of great value, we are His workmanship made in His image, His beloved. We are HIS BRIDE. How beautiful is that. And the list goes on some. We belong to a mighty King who pursues us daily, chasing after our hearts.
You remember the picture I put in my previous post? Well, here it is again, but this time the original picture is next to it.
Now look closely at it. On the cover she is flawless. No imperfections. Now, take a look at the original picture. You see a difference? One is made perfect by computers and editing programs, and the other is simply beautiful because its fully her. See, here is the thing. The world has distorted our image of beauty. The world tells us we need to be skinny to be pretty, perfectly made up to be wanted, and fake to be accepted. But, Jesus. Jesus says none of that matters to me. He made you in His image and called it good. God, Almighty Creator, made US in HIS image. Let that sink into the depths of your heart for a minute.
If I look back on my journey, and look a little deeper, when I look at the heart. The reason I fell into this trap was because, I didn’t truly believe God loved me. I didn’t believe God loved me, wanted me, cherished me, saved me, covered me with His love, and called me for His purpose. But He was faithful, throughout this to show me who I am, and who I belong to. That is Him. Jesus, through this trial showed me the glory and power in His name, the freedom in His truth, and the presence of His love. Now, I know who I am, and who I belong to, and where my security is. I know this love that came to set me free.
God wants you to have freedom from your bondage. God wants you to know HIS Love for you. Its precious, sweet, and unconditional. Its pure, gentle and compassionate. Do you believe He loves you?
Do you believe there is hope?
There is healing.
There is power in the name of Jesus.
There is freedom.
Jesus came to set us free.
Are you free?
Do you believe YOU are LOVED?
Jeremiah 31:3 - The Lord has appeared of old to me, saying: “Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you.
Galatians 5:1 - Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage.
John 8:32 - And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.