Thursday, June 25, 2015

New Experiences.

Can I just say, what a day. Today was full of a whole lot of new experiences. If you saw the last blog, you know my feelings towards everything new, I was a little scared at first. But, I swallowed my fear and my pride, and boy did God do a work in my heart. First, the orphanage. 

This morning was probably my favorite, this far. (I know, its only day one, but hey, a good trip is full favorites.) Driving up I was full of anxiousness and excitement. It was a new orphanage that none of the team members had been too. It just opened a little under a year ago, so everything was new. Exciting and new. We park the car. The car wasn't even off yet, and kids were RUNNING to the front gate, waving and smiles all around. This was going to be fun! We get everything unpacked, everyone out of the vans and we head in. As soon as we walked in the gate, kids came rushing in, with hugs all around, some reaching their arms up to be held, others taking your hand and leading the way. I was extremely humbled by this. I felt welcomed and loved, but didn't need words said to feel it. It was pure action. The language barrier wasn’t a major problem, they would try to speak English, we try to speak Spanish, and completely fail. But their was something we all had in common at that moment. It was joy. Joy filled that place. Looking around all you could see was games left and right, a bible study, kids giggling, high fives, piggyback rides, and victory dances. This orphanage was so fun! I loved every second here.

Can I just talk about this cutie!?! His personality was the best! He snatched those sunglasses and and started strutting down his runway. - haha! it was the cutest thing! 

Next we made Raspados by an Elementary school in a small local town.

We brought a cooler full of pre-shaved ice, then two other coolers with two big solid ice cubes and once we ran out we had to shave it ourselves. Well, if you could image it wasn’t the most efficient and fast way of doing things. But we made it work! Now as you see in these two pictures We got a huge line of kids. But you see, we ran out of shaved ice before this large group of kids, so we basically shaved the ice for one cup at a time. Once we saw everyone had one, we thought, oh its break time. how funny. Kids never just want one of something, especially a small cup with ice and liquid sugar in it. Those boys, bless their hearts! They were working so hard to make sure each child walked away with something in their hand. - literally. We ran out of cups at one point so we were shaving the ice and placing it in their bare hands, and pouring the raspados flavors they desired over it. It was hilarious! One little boy screamed because it was so cold on his little hands, but was giggling about it seconds later. Even though, we had some minor glitches, it was a fun, new experience. 

We finished here pretty late in the day. We started to head back to the base. We get into our vans, and joey looks like Casper from Twilight. Now, you would think, in a perfect world after thousands of reminders before we left to grab your water bottles, kids would listen and obey. Not our group. At least 4 kids didn’t have water, which means in the end leaders don’t have water. So Joey, got a little dehydrated after our time outside and felt like he was going to be sick. So we told him, shout “NOW” when you feel like you are going to be sick. Well, he did. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Josh jump out of our van so fast. I don’t think the van was at a complete halt before be got out. He DID NOT want joey sick in that van! The situation set aside, it was quite funny if I do say so myself. Joey is fine now, he was just dehydrated and had a little headache. 

It was an extremely fun day full of new experiences. Tomorrow, we will do work projects here on the base all day, so I’m sure I will have many more funny stories to tell! This trip has been amazing so far. I love seeing God work in the hearts of those who are willing. God is continuing to humble me and show me so much about myself. I love, love this place.

Please continue to pray for us! Pray for hydrated bodies, and healthy kids. Also healthy leaders so we can take care of these kids as best as we possibly can. Pray for God to keep moving in the hearts of everyone here, and that we would be willing to let got place us where He desires.

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