Monday, June 22, 2015

Here We Go.

The pictures above are from our trip to Mexico last year. How amazing this beautiful place is. God did so much in the midst of that trip last year. Since I haven’t wrote to you in a very long time (SO SORRY!!), life kind of got crazy once I returned from Mexico last year, let me give you an update! 

God showed me SO SO much last year, about myself and what my life was going to hold. When I returned, I started a course at my church called School of Ministry. I was beyond excited to learn about God’s word in a new way. My first two classes were Life of Christ and World Missions, these classes walked you through Jesus’ ministry here on earth and what we call the Great Commission and really breaking it down to better understand what Jesus calls us to in our everyday life. These classes were so eye opening and encouraging. After the first quarter, I began Old Testament Survey and Theology. Holy Cow. Let me tell you, I became overwhelmed very quickly! There was so much information to take in I thought my brain was going to explode! And to be transparent with you all, I became so overwhelmed with those classes, after I finished I stopped the program. I realize now, the reason I became so overwhelmed was because I wan’t relying on Jesus to be my strength. Looking back at it, I wish I stuck through it and finished the next two quarters. But hey! maybe one day I will in Gods perfect timing and will. Soon after, I started working my retail job more and became more involved in serving. God was working and showing me a lot about my job, my life and what He his will was .

Before the trip, I was having a lot of heartache and worry about a certain friendship I had with a friend for long time. We had been friends since we were in Jr. high. The heart of our friendship was based on God and His word, we always encouraged one another with scripture and prayer. We had so much fun together. I loved spending time with him, and getting to know him. I found myself  in love with the idea of spending the rest of my life with this guy. We were both going on this Mexico trip with the Jr. High school group. I was excited to see God work! But their was apart of me that was broken and hurt by what was happening in that particular season. I had to let him go, I had to give him to Jesus. I was scared at what that was going to look like, but I knew I had to do it. In the midst of my surrender and God’s hand in my life. He completely blew me away. The week went on, I watch Matt serve Jesus, love Jesus, and worship Jesus with all of his being. Matt was everything I wanted in a partner, and God thought so too. Toward the end of the trip God confirmed to me that Matt was the one he created for me, to love and to serve Him with. I remember sitting down with two of my mentors, explaining to them how much I loved him, and what God was showing me concerning him. And tears of joy ran down my cheeks, with a soft smile from ear to ear. The more I talked, the more I knew. And little did I know God was doing the same thing in Matt’s heart too.

Here we are about a year later. Its been 10 months since he asked to court me. God, seriously blew my mind with how he worked in this area of my life. I had to completely give Matt to God and surrender my desires to him in order for the Lord to give him to me. God wanted my heart first before he was going to allow some else to step into my life and walk through life with me. I still have to give myself to God daily and surrender my heart and feelings to him. God is still on the throne of my heart. Earthly relationships should never take the spot of your relationship with your Heavenly Father. God created earthly relationships to mirror His relationship with the church. 
Walking through life with someone else is such a crazy humbling experience. You learn so much about yourself and the other person, and about Jesus. It’s eye opening. God continues to blow me away everyday with this guy in my life. I can’t wait to see what God’s plan holds for Matt and I as we serve and love Him. 

We leave for Mexico tomorrow morning. We have a total of 12 Jr. High schoolers, and about 6 leaders going. I am beyond excited for what God has in this week! Our team would so appreciate your prayers as we embark on this week. Pray our hearts would be humbled and willing, and that God would bring unity to the team and that we would work as one. I will try to post every day and give a run down on what we do from day to day (fingers crossed). ;) 

Here we go!

“He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.” - John 7:38 

And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.
“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

“teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen. - Matt 28:18-20

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