Why am I here? How do I beat this feeling of loneliness? Why do I feel like I’m being judged by the people around me? What makes my life so hard? Why don’t I have what they have? Where is my special someone?
Do these questions seem all to familiar?..
In such moments, you feel something is missing, like something is wrong in your world. At times you feel you haven’t found this something. Maybe you’ve tried filling the hole with a love relationship, or in a group of friends. And you’re thinking okay, I “fixed” that hole. That empty feeling. Its gone. But, what happens when the “love of your life” breaks your heart a week later because he found something else in a new girl. Or in that group of friends who start talking about you behind your back. What happened there? You’re back to where you started. Feeling empty, lonely, and miserable. Why? Because you tried patching up those hole with temporary things. And not filling them with the eternal LOVE of Christ. Every friendship or relationship, even the good ones. At some point, leaves you with that hole in your heart. So, what do you do after this happens? Most of us keep trying again, don’t we? Admit it, we try to do everything we can to patch up those holes. We think okay, this boy is different, he does more then say he’s a Christian, he actually GOES to church…On Easter and Christmas. Or this group of friends don’t gossip as much, but they might cuss a little. At least I don’t have to worry about them talking about me and others, right? And so on. We get into this cycle of trying to fit in and feel good about our selves. We are constantly looking to the things and the people around us to satisfy us. Why do we do this?
Because, we can’t let go. We don’t have that heart of surrender. We don’t want to let God take control. We think we might miss out on something. That boy, or that group of friends. We get caught up in the motions. Let me ask you something here… in all honesty, how often do you say these things to your self?
I’m a good person.
I obey the ten commandments.
I haven’t done this with this guy.
I don’t talk really bad about people.
You’re saying to yourself, I’m a good person, I don’t do EVERYTHING everyone is doing, I go to church. Why do I still feel this void?
Well, I’m here to tell you sweet sister. Stop patching up the holes, start FILLING them. Let go. Have a heart of surrender to the Lord. Let Him move in your life. Make change. Open up your heart to Him. I’m here to tell you there is a God who wants to pursue you. Love you. Cherish you. Make you feel special. Tell you you’re beautiful. He’s there and wants to listen to you. You can find REST and JOY in His presence. But now, you’re probable asking, how do I find rest and joy in this crazy world full of temptation? Well it starts by asking Jesus to burn and take away those desires of a relationship and feelings of acceptance. Diving into the Word of God. Seeking His face. Start your heavenly romance with your Savior. And soon your desires will change and you’ll start to look at things the way Jesus looks at them. You’re heart will change. You’ll start becoming more like Christ. You’ll have more Joy and less unhappiness. You’ll find more rest and peace rather than discomfort and worry. So you see where I’m going with this? You NEED Jesus. You need Him in ever way, shape and form of your life. Not just in those times of sadness but EVERYDAY. Even the good days. And you’ll be more and more satisfied everyday.
So go, get ahead start! Pick up the Word of God and Dive right in. You’ll be amazed at how He begins to move.
Love you sweet sisters.
Love in HIM!
Here are a few key verses that have helped me and may help you also..
Isaiah 44:22 - “I have blotted out, like a thick cloud, your transgressions, and like a cloud, your sins. Return to Me, for I have redeemed you.”
Psalm 63:3-5 - Because Your lovingkindness is better than life, My lips shall praise You. Thus I will bless You while I live; I will lift up my hands in Your name. My soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness, And my mouth shall praise You with joyful lips.
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