…The Fruit of the Spirit is JOY…
A few months ago. I was cleaning out my room, getting rid of unnecessary things, and I came across an old journal. I opened it up and it was full of journal entries about my hearts desires and prayers. I sat there and as I read it, tears started to flow down my cheeks. During the time before I found this journal, I was going through a dry season in my life. I was “spending time” with the Lord. Reading my bible, I was praying, not as much as I should have been. I was doing it just to say I did it. So anyways, I got this journal when I first came to the Lord. And I filled it with what Jesus was showing me, how much time I was spending with my Savior, my prayers. All this stuff. And the reason I began to cry was because I had a reality check. I wasn’t where I used to be. I was starting to back slide. I was making my Bible time a routine. I was reading, but not comprehending. Applying. I was praying words. But not feelings.
This journal broke my heart. When it should have made me happy. I put it down and I didn’t know what happen. I went to the Lord and I said ‘Jesus, what am I putting before You? Why don’t I have this joy I used to have?’
The Lord made it clear to me what the problem was. I was pressing into my selfish desires and be lazy rather than pressing into Him and resting in His presence.
When you start putting things above Jesus and dwell on your selfish desires, do you often start to feel miserable and unhappy? I know I do. But, if you look back to that moment when you let the Lord into your heart, He was working in your life, you were praising Him on the mountain top. Are you still there? Or did you fall when the storm came? See the problem for me was when I trial came I would endure it. Mope around waiting for it to be over. I when falling down the mountain with the rain and I would look up and I felt like the top was to far away. I thought the storm was so bad that there was no way it was going to clear up for me to get up there.
Jesus gives us trials and convictions because He notices that you’re putting something before Him. He’s not doing it to ruin your life. He’s doing it to bring you closer to Him. To strengthen you and your heart. With Jesus comes Joy. Not happiness. Joy. There's a difference. When you get the thing you want. You’re happy right? But what happens when that thing disappears? Changes? or breaks? You’re unhappy. Why? Because it wasn’t originated by God. It was created by you. Happiness is just a feeling that comes and goes. But JOY, lasts forever. Because it comes from the one and ONLY true eternal person. Jesus.
So girls, give it to God. Press in to Him. Hide yourself in His presence. And you will be FILLED with the JOY of the Lord.
Love you sisters!
Love in HIM
Verses on Joy…
2 Corinthians 2:3 - A few months ago. I was cleaning out my room, getting rid of unnecessary things, and I came across an old journal. I opened it up and it was full of journal entries about my hearts desires and prayers. I sat there and as I read it, tears started to flow down my cheeks. During the time before I found this journal, I was going through a dry season in my life. I was “spending time” with the Lord. Reading my bible, I was praying, not as much as I should have been. I was doing it just to say I did it. So anyways, I got this journal when I first came to the Lord. And I filled it with what Jesus was showing me, how much time I was spending with my Savior, my prayers. All this stuff. And the reason I began to cry was because I had a reality check. I wasn’t where I used to be. I was starting to back slide. I was making my Bible time a routine. I was reading, but not comprehending. Applying. I was praying words. But not feelings.
This journal broke my heart. When it should have made me happy. I put it down and I didn’t know what happen. I went to the Lord and I said ‘Jesus, what am I putting before You? Why don’t I have this joy I used to have?’
The Lord made it clear to me what the problem was. I was pressing into my selfish desires and be lazy rather than pressing into Him and resting in His presence.
When you start putting things above Jesus and dwell on your selfish desires, do you often start to feel miserable and unhappy? I know I do. But, if you look back to that moment when you let the Lord into your heart, He was working in your life, you were praising Him on the mountain top. Are you still there? Or did you fall when the storm came? See the problem for me was when I trial came I would endure it. Mope around waiting for it to be over. I when falling down the mountain with the rain and I would look up and I felt like the top was to far away. I thought the storm was so bad that there was no way it was going to clear up for me to get up there.
Jesus gives us trials and convictions because He notices that you’re putting something before Him. He’s not doing it to ruin your life. He’s doing it to bring you closer to Him. To strengthen you and your heart. With Jesus comes Joy. Not happiness. Joy. There's a difference. When you get the thing you want. You’re happy right? But what happens when that thing disappears? Changes? or breaks? You’re unhappy. Why? Because it wasn’t originated by God. It was created by you. Happiness is just a feeling that comes and goes. But JOY, lasts forever. Because it comes from the one and ONLY true eternal person. Jesus.
So girls, give it to God. Press in to Him. Hide yourself in His presence. And you will be FILLED with the JOY of the Lord.
Love you sisters!
Love in HIM
Verses on Joy…
3 And I wrote this very thing to you, lest, when I came, I should have sorrow over those from whom I ought to have joy, having confidence in you all that my joy is the joy of you all.
Psalm 43:3-4 -
3 Oh, send out Your light and Your truth!
Let them lead me;
Let them bring me to Your holy hill
And to Your tabernacle.
4 Then I will go to the altar of God,
To God my exceeding joy;
And on the harp I will praise You,
O God, my God.
Jude 1:24-25 -
24 Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling,
And to present you faultless
Before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy,
25 To God our Savior,
Who alone is wise,
Be glory and majesty,
Dominion and power,
Both now and forever.
Psalm 32:11 -
11 Be glad in the Lord and rejoice, you righteous;
And shout for joy, all you upright in heart!
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