Wednesday, August 28, 2013

True Worshipers

Something I have been meditating on this week is Worship. Why we worship. What it means to worship. How we worship. What we worship. Worship is an act of praise. An act of surrender. An act of giving ourselves to the thing we worship.

As I watched the VMA’s. My heart was just broken and burdened by everything I watched. I am even embarrassed to say I sat there and watched it. But part of me realized something as I sat there and watched. Watched thousands of people, who spent a great amount of money to see these celebrities, how they screamed every time somebody famous was mentioned, how some of the girls were crying for joy when Justin Timberlake came within 10 feet of them. How these people enjoy meaningless lyrics about how someone spent there night with a stranger after getting wasted at the bar. Or how the teen boy groups are singing how much they love their girl and won’t turn out to be the loser who dumps her for someone else but in the magazines you see the exact opposite. Now don’t get me wrong I’m not judging these artists, I’m not the judge here. We only have one. And we will all stand before Him. But I’m just asking, does it really make sense? See, we live in a man made world. Let me explain that. God created the earth. He created us, the trees, the animals, sex, alcohol. He made it all for a specific purpose. But us, having a sinful nature, twisted it into being something sinful. A lot of people ask, if God created the earth, why is there so much wrong. Its because we have created the wrong. We created the billboards, the strip clubs, the songs about what we think is love, we created the drunkenness, because we have no self-control. that’s all man created. So that’s what I mean when I say we live in a man made world. Because of all of this. We have taken God out of everything. So, as I sat there last night watching these people worship these celebrities. My heart was just hurt and broken for the fact that there are so many people who don’t know Jesus. I sat there and asked myself. Why is it so easy for someone to proclaim homosexuality is okay, someone can get up on stage and sing a rap on how strongly they believe its okay, but a if a Christian gets up on a stage like that and starts proclaiming the name of Jesus, he’s automatically persecuted? If these people can stand up and speak there mind like that, and have boldness to do so. Why do we get so scared to say we believe in Jesus? Why is it so hard to bow our knee before the throne of God, if we love Him so much, but we are afraid of what some people might say. See if we really are true worshipers of Jesus Christ. And want to live our lives for the sake of the Kingdom, why aren’t we going out and making Him known. Jesus was persecuted, so if we are true disciples, we shouldn’t be afraid of what a few people might think. People called Jesus names beyond names, accused Him of so much, but did that stop Him for following God’s will? Did it stop Him from going to the cross? Did that stop Him from loving you? The answer, is No. He walked faithfully. Worshiping on His knees before God. So many people scream for joy and will do anything to see these celebrities in concert. Are you screaming for Joy when it comes to Jesus name? Will you do anything for the one who set you free? Will you spread the good news publicly just as Jesus walked the road to Calvary, publicly for you?

I was encouraged by these verses Sunday night in Matthew, chapter 5, verses 14-16. It says, 14 “You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. 16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.”

We are the lights in this world of darkness. Satan is constantly trying to burn out the lights, but if we are in an act of worship, on our knees daily the light is going to be brighter and stronger.

So who are you bowing down to? Who is the center of your life? Who do you worship? Worshiping Christ isn’t just something we do behind closed doors on Sundays. It’s the way we live. The way we talk. Worshiping Jesus isn’t just singing a song. it’s a prayer. Its thankfulness. it’s a way of life. If we love Jesus how much we say we do. Our thoughts should be consumed with Him. We shouldn’t feel afraid to raise our hands in worship. We shouldn’t be afraid to bow our knees. Our lives need to be a reflection of Him. We shouldn’t be afraid to share His Love. His word. Don’t be discouraged if someone rejects you. The important thing is that the seed was planted. God’s got control of the rest. So, where are the worshipers of Jesus Christ? Its time to Go. Share His good news!

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