Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Act Of Surrender

What a week! This week was the first week of my Senior year of high school. I woke up that first morning with such excitement. Ready to take on the challenges of the year. I was overwhelmed with joy of the idea that it was my last year. As the day went on, it hit me. Reality hit me in the face. I was aware of the challenges of the year academically, but became weary to the idea of college and decision making until that first day. The fear and anxiety overcame me. The fear of college. Career choices. The idea of the future itself scared me. The idea of being in the real world. Possibly being married few years down the road. Cooking for someone. (I barely know how to cook a box of Mac and Cheese correctly ha ha!) all these thoughts consumed my mind. The fear of making the right decision or the wrong decision filled my heart. Satan’s words started to linger. ‘you’ll never make it in college.’ ‘the real world is going to swallow you up.’ ‘You won’t find a man that will put up with you.’ ‘prince charming doesn’t exist.’ All day, all I did was dwell on these lies. I was an emotional wreck ! I began to ask God if he really did know what college I was going to attend. What man I was going to marry someday. Did he really know all that stuff already? What career I would pursue. Where was He going to take me in life? How do I overcome the worry and fear.

Have you ever had those thoughts? Those doubts? The overwhelming fear of not knowing what’s going to happen a few years down the road? I do. Everyday. Its hard not to. But you know what is so reassuring? God’s grace and hand of guidance. That day in my emotional state of anxiety. The Lord whispered such comforting words into my heart. He said, Christina, you don’t need to worry. Have no fear. For I am with you always. Your future. It belongs to Me. I know where you are going to attend college. I know what career you will chose. I have the man of your dreams being prepared by my right hand. Let go of this fear. And surrender. Every dream. Every hope. Detail. Desire. Of your heart. Give me the pen. Let me write the story. Be patient and content in my presence. I have a beautiful plan for your life, because I. love. You..

I was then brought to peace. With a heart to surrender. Ready to live a life ready to serve Jesus with every ounce of my being. I want to live every moment for the glory of the Kingdom, no matter where it takes me in life. Whether its to the community college or half way around the world as a missionary. Whether single or married. No matter what state He puts me in. To have joy in serving and live a life sold out for the King. To be content. At peace in His presence.

I had lost sight of true surrender. What it meant and what it looked like. Now I know, On the other side of surrender is a great amount of joy. God has every detail worked out. He is staring at the pages of our life. He is the Author and Finisher. The great work He began in you let Him finish. But in order for Him to reveal to you His plan. You must surrender and trust Him. With everything. Not just college. But college. Marriage. Career. Your entire future. Every hope and dream you have. MUST be handed over to Him. Don’t be worried about whether or not He’s going to give it back to you. If He doesn’t, He has something so much better in store for you. He has His best in mind for you. It is all ordained by His right hand.

So, sister, where is your heart today? Are you worried about the future? Are you in a place of fear? It’s time to let go of the doubt. And Trust. Rest in His presence. In His peace. What we may think as the “Perfect Plan” is nothing compared to His plan. Open up your heart. Willingly surrender. Serve your King. Give Him the pen and paper. And He will abundantly bless you.

The future is scary. I freely admit it. We can’t completely erase the fear. Or the idea of fear. But with Jesus. And His comfort of peace and reassurance. The fear won’t overcome us. And we can turn to Him. And He will take the fear away. And we can replace it with trust. Jesus gave the nation of Israel a word of encouragement.
Isaiah 41:13 - 13 For I, the Lord your God, will hold your right hand,
Saying to you, ‘Fear not, I will help you.’

He is taking you by hand everyday. Guiding your every step. He is ready with you. He is for you. What we may think is a loss, is really a gain. We are losing our lives to gain the eternal life of Christ.
Philippians 3:8-11 - 8 Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ 9 and be found in Him, not having my own righteousness, which is from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is from God by faith; 10 that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death, 11 if, by any means, I may attain to the resurrection from the dead.



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