Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Devotional Time - Just How Important is it?

These past few weeks have been so busy! Between school, babysitting, ministry, church, running errands, meetings, weddings. Now, don’t get me wrong, I enjoy every second of it all. But even in all that fun I was having physically. Emotionally and Spiritually I was dry…but why?


I wasn’t spending time with my Savior. My quiet time in the mornings every now and then would turn into ‘Okay, how much scripture and prayer time can I fit into 5 minutes.’ And I always left unsatisfied. I left feeling like I didn’t read anything. Nothing stuck. I’d go through out my days in a grumpy mood. I’d find my patience was very small. I had filled my head with thoughts of doubt. I was all over the place. My usual devotional time consist of a cup of coffee or tea. My Bible. A pen. My journal. The Jesus Calling Devotional. And a book (right now I’m reading Mere Christianity by C.S Lewis. AMAZING read. I‘ll do a post on it as soon as I finish). I would spend at least an hour and a half in the morning total. That would be my quiet time. And after I was done reading a few verses and meditating on those. Praying about them. Then, reading a chapter in my book. I journal my thoughts about everything I just read and prayed for. Sisters, journals are so important. When I was in middle school I used to think. ‘Journals? Who uses those? I don’t need one, I’ll remember.’ oh boy was I wrong! I wish I journaled about sermons I heard, and times I had with the Lord. Stuff He showed me. That I “thought” I would remember. Now my journal is with me wherever I go! Its so beneficial. A few years ago, I brought a journal with me to a youth conference in Phoenix, Arizona. Took notes on all the teachings and wrote down my thoughts and prayers about it on the bus, or before I went to bed that night. And now looking at that journal. I see the whole event all over again. I remember what took place. The points to the messages I heard. What the Lord did in my heart. I’m refreshed when I read it now. It brings me joy to see how the Lord worked in some of the situations I was in in the past. They help me grow and deepen my walk with Jesus.



So sisters, what does your devo time look like? Is it like mine was this past week, just barely scratching the surface of scripture. Spending 5 minutes on it because either you’re busy or to just say you did it? Are you even reading at all?.. Ladies, our devotional time is so important. That is what sets our hearts for the day, creates the attitude we are in. Sets the mood. Sets our mind on what is above. Not on what’s around. We need that time in scripture to fight against the temptations that are going to hit us that day. We need that prayer time to talk to our Father. We need that time, most importantly to even know Jesus. Our quiet time is a time for Jesus to get to know us and us to know Him. He longs for that time with us. I know we can easily look at the Bible and think ‘oh where do I start?’ and if that is you. Pick up a devotional book or devotional journal and start there. Pick a small book in the Bible. And dive right in. There is so much waiting for you that Jesus just wants to reveal to you. It’s a work and growing process, it doesn’t happen over night. It's going to take time. So Sisters, where are you today? And what can you do to change it? I’ll tell you where to start, start by asking Jesus to help you with this process. Prayer is so important. Its so powerful and beneficial. So even if you have to set a time in the morning or get up a few minutes early. Or at night don’t watch that extra TV show. Go spend time with your beloved Creator. You will be so full of Joy, and Peace. You won't even care about the 10 minutes of sleep you missed or the TV show.

Love you ladies.
Love in HIM.

I Chronicles 28:9
- “As for you, my son Solomon, know the God of your father, and serve Him with a loyal heart and with a willing mind; for the Lord searches all hearts and understands all the intent of the thoughts. If you seek Him, He will be found by you; but if you forsake Him, He will cast you off forever.





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