Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Burning Hedges

In this season of my life. God is in the process of cleaning out my heart and my life by taking away things that aren’t glorifying to Him. Things that aren’t baring much fruit. And I’m not going to lie. Its been really hard. In the beginning I didn’t understand at all. All I could ask was Really God? Why this? But, now after 4 months of some long and hard praying, looking deep into scripture, seeking God. I understand why. I was focusing on my best for me. Not GODS best. I was focusing on my own desires for my life rather then Gods. I was blind! For years I had been doing this. And never realized it. I was being stubborn. I wanted to keep this thing that I thought was a good thing in my life. I thought it was causing me to grow in the Lord. But it was only causing me to drift away from my Heavenly Father. I had people tell me it was time to let go. God was trying to speak to me through other people surrounding me. But I thought I couldn’t live with out it in my life. It became an idol to me. It became something I put so much energy into, I became spiritually dry. I was in my word. I was praying. I gave God mostly everything in my life. But not everything. I acted like I gave God this situation. But I was holding on by a pinky. I couldn’t let go of it completely, and it began to hinder me.

In Isaiah chapter 5, it talks about a vineyard. And how it was expected to grow good grapes but ended up producing wild grapes. (Those are no good.) So what happen? It got destroyed. Burned the hedges away. So it won’t bring more harm to the vineyard and its grapes. God does that in our lives. He’s currently doing that in my life. He wants to take out those things that are hindering your relationship with Him. He wants you to give Him everything not just part of it. You see, when we don’t give God our ENTIRE life. When we keep things to ourselves, because we don’t want to let go. God can’t do everything He wants to do in your life. He needs all of you. Every piece of your heart. Every emotion. Every thought. Every desire. He needs it all to complete the work He wants to do in you. And for years I was missing out on this. I didn’t want to give this thing up. I thought something like that wouldn’t come around again. I was afraid of it getting taken away from me. So I held on as tight as I could. And what happen? I became unhappy. Frustrated. Confused. Selfish. Blind. God wants His personal best for us. So what that takes is Him burning away those hedges in your lives that are producing wild grapes. When we let our desires grow for so long they soon begin to choke up the goodness of Christ right out of our hearts. And if we don’t come to a place of recognizing that growth of selfish and worldly desire, God takes manner into His own hands. He will either show us how to handle the situation. If we ignore that, He will take care of it. Things that we have let consume our thoughts, our time, energies, and emotions that aren’t of the Lord, blind us. It may start small, and you may think you have it under control. But little things turn into very big problems if we don’t go to our Father and give it to Him to take control of. Its going to hurt, and be painful. That’s where you cling. Cling to the cross! For so long I let what I thought of innocent and non-effective, end up change my entire life. And since I let it ponder for so long, it makes it very hard to let go of. On my own. You know what makes it easier? Knowing Jesus is on my side and He has something SO much better in store for me. I thought I couldn’t live without it, I thought nothing better will come along. But I am extremely excited to see what Gods best is. And what His Better is for my life. Our best will never be as amazing as Gods best. They don’t even compare.
So sisters, what is that thing in your life. Is it a boy? Relationship? Friendship? The fear of being accepted? The fear of being alone? Anxiety for the future? What is it that is producing the wild grapes in your life.. A TV show? Movie? A group of friends? Materialism? What has become an idol in your life.. Your body image? Media? What is it you are putting your energy in? I can tell you right now, everything I mentioned above. Will fail you and cause you to stumble. That boy that you think that is so “perfect” but you know that’s not the guy God has for you, so you need to break it off. Trust me, God has someone for you that is so much more, incredible and Godly! He made him just for you! That friendship, yea it may be a good one. But, what is its center? If Jesus is not the center and its causing you to fall, God is trying to burn it away. He knows it’s no good for you. That TV show, it is funny but, it may have a little bit of sexual content in it. Is it causing you to think impurely against your brother in Christ? It’s time to stop watching it. Beloved sisters. Give God control. He wants to do some amazing things in your life. And He can’t do that with all this stuff in the way. Clear out. Check your heart. What is it that’s causing your unhappiness? Or your doubtful heart? Let go. Let GOD.

Malachi 3:11-12

11 “And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes,
So that he will not destroy the fruit of your ground,
Nor shall the vine fail to bear fruit for you in the field,”
Says the Lord of hosts;
12 “And all nations will call you blessed,
For you will be a delightful land,”
Says the Lord of hosts.




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