Deuteronomy 5:29 - [The Lord said,] 'Oh, that they had such a heart in them that they would fear Me, and always keep all My commandments, that it might be well with them and with their children forever.
The Ten Commandments are more than God saying, "Here is My Law for you"---- they are God saying, "Here is My love for you."
And three times the Israelites say yes, this we will do---- we do, we do, we do. God gives His people this gift, these two tablets of stone with His handwritten commitment to love, and He aches. "oh, that they had such hearts..... Oh, that--- this expression of unfulfilled longing in the Hebrew. God longs: "Oh, that your heart would obey Me not because of Law, but because of love." God knows how we say I do---but don't. God longs that our hearts would be inclined to be in wonder and awe of Me, enraptured by Me-- that is what fear means in the original Hebrew. God knows how we say we wonder and we worship---but we don't.
The Ten Commandments are a command to relationship. To love vertically, to love horizontally, to love relationship. God's unfulfilled longing spills through time.
Jesus, the Love who seven days later went to the Cross to fulfill the unfulfilled, to pay the price for our broken love like we never could, to love God for His unbroken love like we never have.
Jesus, The Love who hangs on a Tree, who cries out our yes to the covenant: “My God, My God.” Yes, You are mine. I am Yours. Yes, you are the Lord my God. Jesus, the Love who doesn’t just die the death we deserved to die; He lives the love we’ve desired to live. God gives the Commandments to us----and God gives God to keep the commandments for us. God gives us the commitment of love at the top of Sinai, and He staggeringly keeps our commitment to love at the top of Calvary.
Who needs more than being loved to death?
“Love is the greatest thing God can give us, for himself is love.” - Jeremy Taylor
“And [love] is the greatest thing we can give to God, for it will also give ourselves…. The apostle calls [love] the bond of perfection. It is the old and it is the new, and it is the greatest commandment, and it is all the commandments, for it is the fulfilling of the law.”
God gives God. And Jesus fulfills all the Law, all our love.
From Ann Voskamp’s Christmas Devotional, “The Greatest Gift.”
Today I woke up in a horrible mood, I wanted nothing more than to stay in my bed and sleep the day away. I didn’t want to read my devotional, it was already one of “those” days.. Then I read this chapter today. And God convicted me big time. He put me right in my place. Bowing before His feet for forgiveness. For grace over my heart. Humility to just fill my heart. I had never thought of that verse in Deuteronomy that way. Those few words, “Oh, that.” I never saw that as Gods longing. His longing for my love. It broke my heart, when I realized how many times I say, “I will.” or “I do.” to the Lord, and never actually did something about it. Truly recognizing His sacrifice for love, brought my heart to a state of true humility, to a state of awe. He aches every time I say, “yes, lord, I will.” out of an empty heart. He weeps at the sight of a lukewarm heart. He longs for you to wake up everyday say the words, I love you, to Him, and mean them. He didn’t just say those words to you. He meant them. With His arms stretched from side to side, between noise of the slamming hammer and the pain of tearing veins and the strong piercing of the thorns. Jesus, just barely being able to breathe, saying those last words, “It is Finished. Forgive them Father.” bowing His head, giving up His life, He was saying, I love YOU.
He wants a genuine love. Get rid of the evil, the lies, and the pride in your heart. Stop saying I will, start doing. Start acting. I know I need to start acting more. Acting out of love. I need to start recognizing more that I need to give this Love, know this Love, and cherish this Love. Cherish the One who is Love.
So, wherever your heart is, whether you woke up in a bad mood like me or theres something else going on. Remember the commitment of love. The love that Jesus fulfilled. The love He gave. The Gift He gave. God gives God. He gives Love, and wants your love. Your heart. Your being. He wants all of you. He longs for you. He weeps for you. He wants to know you. He loves you…