“Lord, why is this happening?” “Lord, why aren’t you answering me?” “Lord, I need clarity.”
The prayers above, have been prayers I have been praying quite often. Have you been praying and ask similar questions? Are you in a season of life, where you are confused? What about angry? How about, unhappy, or depressed?
Okay, good, I’m not the only one!
I have come to find, we as believers, go through a lot of seasons. Not trials in a sense. But, seasons. Often times, we tend to look at seasons, as trials, tough times, hardship. Maybe, a lot of the times they are. But, really its just a “testing” or season of CHANGE. Let me say that again.
A season of change.
These past few weeks, I had felt very confused, emotions flying from left to right, been hearing so much different advice, I didn’t know which was from the lord, or just self-seeking desires . I felt I was stuck in the middle of a four way stop, and I didn’t know what street I was supposed to walk down. I felt like things were passing me by up and down, and from left to right. I felt like I was getting hit from all corners. I just kept doing 360’s. “this street lord?” “wait, this street looks a lot nicer, is it this one?” I didn’t hear a thing. So, I just sat there, no idea where to go. What do I do at this point?
Its amazing, how the Lord can turn confusing situations like the one above into a beautiful story for His glory. How does He do that though? When we are faithful servants, SEEKING Him in all diligence. Praying and asking for HIS will to be done. When we TRUST Him.
So, sitting there, confused, looking which way to go. Feeling lost, and hurt. Sitting in silence. God spoke to me in that still small voice, gently touching my heart with his powerful words saying. “oh little one, why do you drop your head in shame, hurt, and confusion? In ME, you have none of these. But be full of JOY and PEACE, I have Overcome this already and will show you in which way to go. Keep your eyes upon Me, cling to the promises which I have made to you in My Word. So lift your head, and walk with Me. Stand upon my firm rock, I will draw you out of the waters which you drowned. Reach for My hand, and we will walk upon the water, and overcome what lies beneath you. Trust in me, oh little one…You are safe in the arms of My love..”
I started to trust Him again, and realized that, this wasn’t a life or death trial. It was simply, a season of change. A season of remodel. It reminded me how ALL knowing He is. He knows the blessings, the mountain top experiences, the joyful sound of our singing. He also knows the struggles, the seasons of change and testing, the cries for help, the moments of pain and hurt. He knows the moments we are in need of grace and mercy. He knows how quickly the devil can work to change that. We can go from that mountain top, to doubt and confusion in the valley. But, He’s always ready to speak, with His still small voice, reaching out with his hand. He’s ready to reach us, deep into the depths of our heart. He doesn’t just touch the surface. He goes deep, He reaches deep into the roots where the struggle starts. He goes for the heart.
Its like the Potter and the clay. We may think we have a handle on things, know what we want and don’t want, we have ideas, and dreams of things we think will make us happy and work around our own agenda. But, have you come to find, when that happens, the Lord has something more in mind. And it usually turns out better, right? He wants us to encounter Him, and trust in His plan, He wants us to listen to Him. This season of change might be where you feel more of the pressure of His hand, pressing upon your heart. Changing and renewing your mind. It might be painful and hard, but the outcome is going to make you stronger and more radiant then before. You might have more cutting edges, and you might be a little more stable in areas that you were more uneasy. This is His action of grace, and mercy, longsuffering, and lovingkindness. He’s taking the junk out, all the unnecessary things. Clearing out. Taking pieces out. This might be people, a sport, a job, these things might be causing you to fall away, bring more temptation. And He’s protecting you by replacing these things with holy, and God pleasing things that will bring Him glory and cause you to grow. The replacements are His way of smoothing out, cleaning up, healing wounds, and fixing up the shape. The shape of your heart. He wants a radical change and growth to take place. He is putting things back together. This is His gentle and loving touch. How the potter gently reshapes His clay. This season of life you are in, is God’s way of reshaping your heart and life. Seasons, are blessings, they are a time of growth. So whether you are stuck in a ditch or walking the road God has called you to in full obedience. Never stop trusting Him. He is faithful. He is Almighty. HE is ALL knowing…
God causes us to go through things we don't understand daily. It's His way of testing our trust in him, and our faith in him. He is testing the genuineness of our faith. It's these moments of our lives, we need to learn to cherish, and admire God. It teaches us to press on to his presence, hold tight to his promises. The storm might be a light rain, or a heavy pour of hail. But the sun usually shines brighter after these storms. YOU WILL shine brighter after the storm. YOU WILL be stronger.
This past weekend, we got a down pour of rain for a good three, four days, so as I was writing, God gave me this perspective on the way trials and hardships work. At least for me. So, as I sat in my room, bible in hand, praying for what God wanted me to finish up this post with. He gave me this. As I watched the rain, I noticed it had different levels and pressures. One hour it was pouring down hard, causing weight, and floods to happen everywhere. And then the next three hours would be a light rain, just touching the surface of the area. I realized, the rain also gives nutrients, causing things to grow, and sprout. It refreshes the soil in the ground. Makes it softer, so its able to give the plants proper nutrients it needs. God showed me, that's what the storms in our life do. We look at it a completely different way when in the midst of a trial, but have you have REALLY thought about it? Those storms in our lives, in the end are going to produce fruit and more sunshine. He's using the storm to soften a heart that might have been hardened, so he can work and let it bear the spiritual fruit it needs too. He doing it, to get your attention, grab hold of your heart. To help you see, you NEED to rely on Him and His faithfulness in order to get through it. There will be a point where you may feel flooded by emotions, confusion, brokenness, heartache, pain, and suffering. That's his way of telling you to open up areas of your life and reveal those areas to Him where you need to create some space, open up parts of your heart to him you may be holding back. He will drain out the pain and fill it with joy, peace, love, mercy, and gentleness. Storms sometimes create messes, but He is always there to help you clean up, and help you walk the road ahead. His Holy Spirit is in dwelling in you. always working, always comforting, and always loving. Keep walking through the storm, I promise you, the more you seek him, and love him, and trust him. The rain will stop, and the sun will soon shine.