Saturday, September 7, 2013

Sacred Singleness: Today I Am

This book rocked my world, even if it was the second time around. Sacred Singleness is an amazing book for young women to truly understand what singleness means, what a life of abandonment to Christ looks like, and what a godly woman looks like. Leslie Ludy, was right on point with everything she said and is an amazing example of a godly woman. As I read through this book a second time, (first time I read it was in the 8th grade, and couldn’t really relate to it as much) being a senior in high school now, God totally just renewed my heart and opened my eyes to what a life completely sold out for Christ looks like.

The word “Abandonment” came to mind a lot throughout my study of this book. Different thoughts came to my mind on this one word, I prayed and asked God to reveal the purpose of pressing this word upon my heart. And I came across this quote in the book that described it perfectly:

Abandonment is practiced by continually losing your own will in the will of God; by plunging your will into the depths of His will, there to be lost forever! Abandonment must reach a point where you stand in complete indifference to yourself. The attitude will bring you to the most wonderful point imaginable--where your will breaks free of you completely and becomes free to be joined to the will of God! You will desire only what He desires.
- Madame Jeanne Guyon


God answered my prayer right there. What true abandonment is in Christ. To be joyfully abandoned to Jesus, to have a thriving love story with your Savior. To rid ones selfish desires. To live in complete surrender. After I read this chapter that’s where God changed my heart, and showed me that singleness isn’t a burden, it’s a blessing. Today in modern Christianity, relationships and marriage are in a way pressured upon us. You have people ask the famous question, “So, have you met Mr. Right?” and when your answer is no, people almost feel sorry for you. Like you need a man to complete you, or have this certain status or ranking. But, ladies here is the reality, we already have a man. We have Jesus. Jesus is our ultimate love, knight and shining armor, our Prince. He is constantly pursuing us, loving us, caring for us and cherishing us. The Bible is a love story, a romance between Jesus and His bride. God is a God of romance. He longs for an intimate relationship with you. He is our Beloved, the Lover of our soul. He alone is the one who fills all in all. He is our portion. I know it may be easier to talk the talk than walk the walk. Yes, we are going to struggle with loneliness, and the desires for a relationship. But, we have the freedom, the choice to bring those feelings to an Altar of Grace. Where those desires and emotions are placed in a Kings hand. And our souls are at rest. He is in control. His timing is perfect.

Another statement stood out to me as I studied this book, the statement “Today I am.” When us gals hear the words, “called to a life of singleness,” we kind of tremble at the thought. This fear of being lonely takes over you, and we are worried about the next ten years of our life whether we are going to be single or married for the rest of our lives. But instead of trying to find little ways to solve this “dilemma” with a boyfriend, romantic movies, and so on. The Bible tells is we should be consumed with loving, knowing, worshiping, and living for Jesus Christ. I know it may sound absolutely impossible at the moment to be thrilled and satisfied in a life of singleness, but if you submit your mind, and desires to Him, He will enable you with the peace and satisfaction in order to walk the path God is calling you to.

Taking it one day at a time is the only way to do it, ever since reading this book I have had the “Today I am” attitude. This attitude involves not worrying about the next 5 years, its about trusting in God for grace to live full of joy and contently for that day alone, knowing Jesus is the only One you need in that day. Being content in His presence, one day at a time. Today I am, choosing to live a life pleasing and honoring to Jesus, serving His kingdom independently, abandoned to His Presence. And living that day by day until God so pleases to bring you your future Husband. ( and even then we still should not lose this attitude.) Starting in the morning, by asking Him for grace and peace. Spending time with Him, sharing your deepest desires with Him and taking that along with your day. Those thoughts of “a life of loneliness” creep up on us, but its in those moments you feel Gods love even more. His presence is like a comforting hug, His arms are ready to wrap around you. His voice is like a sweet gentle kiss, and His hand is strong and reaching our for yours from the minute you get up in the morning, until your head hit’s the pillow before bed, He is always ready to care for your deepest needs. So sisters, don’t look at singleness as impossible, it’s a growing process. It doesn’t happen over night, it takes time and patience. And complete abandonment.

Singleness is a chance to embrace the service of the Kingdom. When single, nothing is holding you back from going on long term missions trips, or serving at different events, helping out at shelters and soup kitchens, getting involved in ministry groups and teams. It is a time of exploring, a time of excitement, and new adventures. Not saying you can’t do that with a spouse, of course that would be a blessing in it self. But, having that time to serve your King in a one on one way is incredible. To be able to give your time, to completely serve Jesus and worship Jesus. Your heart absolutely devoted to loving, and cherishing Him. There is so much satisfaction in living for Jesus alone. He is waiting for an intimate, romance with His precious bride. Are you ready to open up your heart?


So beloved, will you have the “Today I am” attitude? Will you live your life in complete abandonment to Christ? One day at a time… Jesus is always pursuing His Bride. Make Jesus the Husband of your heart.